Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to The Burgener Way

    2. The Burgener Way

    1. Introduction to Fundamentals

    2. Stance

    3. Jumping Position & Landing Position

    4. Grip

    5. Hook Grip & Grip Width for the Snatch

    6. Snatch Receive Position

    7. Snatch Receive Position

    8. Quiz

    1. What is the Burgener Warm Up?

    2. Down and Finish

    3. Down and Finish

    4. Elbows High and Outside

    5. Elbows High and Outside

    6. Muscle Snatch

    7. Muscle Snatch

    8. Power Snatch Lands

    9. Power Snatch Lands

    10. Snatch Lands

    11. Snatch Lands

    12. Putting It All Together

    13. BWU Progression

    14. Quiz

    1. Introduction to the Skill Transfer Exercises

    2. What are the Skill Transfer Exercises?

    3. Snatch Push Press

    4. Snatch Push Press

    5. Overhead Squat

    6. Overhead Squat

    7. Heaving Snatch Balance

    8. Heaving Snatch Balance

    9. Drop Snatch

    10. Drop Snatch

    11. Snatch Balance

    12. Snatch Balance

    13. Putting It All Together

    14. STE Progression

    15. Quiz

    1. Split Snatch

    2. Burgener Warm Up and Skill Transfer Exercises for the Split Snatch

    3. Quiz

    1. How to Miss

    2. Missing Forward and Behind

    3. Quiz

About this course

  • $475.00
  • 104 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content